Personality Development Tips

Personality Development Tips

Personality Tips: How to Overcome Shyness

by on Oct.19, 2010, under Personality Development Tips

Shyness affects many people. It can affect our ability to go to a job interview, or speak up in class, and our general everyday interaction with people.

Everyone feels a bit shy at one time or another. It is normal to feel shy or nervous in new situations or in front of an audience. Most people overcome this on their own and are still able to function normally.

However, there are many people who are unable to overcome their shyness. Severe shyness or “Personal Anxiety Disorder” sometimes require medication and therapy.

Disclaimer: Since I am not a therapist, I will not provide medical advice. Anyone who believes they have Social Anxiety Disorder should get professional help. The tips outlined in this article may provide some help for people with this disorder, but it is meant for showing people coping skills to deal specifically with shyness. Using the following tips may help you gain the confidence to approach people and actually strike up a conversation.

1. This may sound silly, but before you go out and approach a person, whether it is an aquaintance at work or a teacher, practice at home. Look in the mirror and say “Hello. How are you today?” If you practice enough, when you say it to the person, it will sound natural and it will feel natural to say it to the person.

2. Practice good posture and work on your smile. Even if still feel a bit shy, you will be more approachable and the person you intend to speak with may make the first move.

3. If you have a job interview, find someone you know to practice with. Sometimes community groups or employment programs offer sessions where you can do this. If you practice possible interview scenarios, you will be better prepared for the questions the potential employer might ask. You will be able to answer with confidence because you will know beforehand the answer that you wish to give.

4. Try joining a toastmaster’s club. They practice public speaking in supportive groups.

5. Join a support group to find other people with the same difficulty. The support groups are usually small, informal, and very friendly. They do their best to make you feel at ease. People who are or have already overcome their shyness can give the best advice because they have firsthand experience about what it is like to feel shy.

6. Self fulfilling prophesy: Look in the mirror when you wake up, say out loud what your goals for the day are (I will talk to the new guy/girl at work today, for example), then visualize your self actually doing it. If you feel you need more time, do it the night before as well, or take as much time as you need until you feel ready.

7. When you do take the step and actually strike up a conversation, go slowly. Talk about “safe” topics such as the weather or current events. Eventually you will notice that you will have something in common with the person you are talking to and the conversation will flow naturally. You will soon forget about your shyness.

8. Finally, the most important thing you can do to overcome shyness is to believe in yourself. You can do whatever you put your mind to.

When people have confidence, they are able to interact and meet with people, go after the jobs they want, and accomplish their goals. It is important to overcome shyness to be able to accomplish your goals.

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Top 8 Tips To Improve Your Personality

by on Oct.19, 2010, under Personality Development Tips

Every person desires to improve his or her own personality.

It is quite evident in the methods and processes that are being employed in order to accomplish this particular goal.  This is perhaps the reason why people buy new clothes or cut their hair. They improve their image and other things related to changing their appearances.

Personality goes beyond external appearance. It includes dispositions, traits, qualities, speech, and other things innate in the person.

Here are some tips in improving personality:

1.  Be interested in people. Try to discover what other people want. Know their likes, dislikes, interests, and beliefs. By doing this, you will be regarded as a person with an attractive and pleasing personality.

2. Assume that people like you. If you show the other person that you want people to talk to you, they will react to you with warmth.

3. Admit your weaknesses. Do not regard yourself as a perfect person. Just as persons have strengths, they also have their weaknesses. To improve your personality, you should admit that you also have defects.

4. Admire your friends. Praise them for their achievements. Tell them how attractive they look. Make them feel how important they are to you.  By this, they will also give importance.

5.  Associate with people who are successful and happy. Seek the companionship of others who can give you new points of views, renewed hopes, and meaningful life.  Ask for their advice and guidance. They can give you valuable insights about their experiences in life. You can learn from their insights and apply their insights to improving your personality.

6. Attend social gatherings. Social gatherings can increase your circle of friends.  Social events can likewise give you new insights and experiences.  It can help improve your relationships with other people and your community.  Social gatherings can help you develop your communication skills.

7. Change your environment. Go on vacation or rest in a new place.  Renovate your house and fix your furniture.  Introduce changes in your environment.

8. Learn new things. Learn how to cook or play the piano. Enroll in voice lessons. Indulge in gardening.  By doing this, you are expanding your horizons.

Aside from this, you can also develop your skills in other areas such as public speaking and understanding other people’s attitudes and beliefs.

Improving your personality takes a lot of work and dedication.  While it may take a lot of work, it can be worthwhile and fun because you are focusing your attention on improving relationships with others and yourself.
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19 Personality Development Tips For Being Your Best You

by on Oct.17, 2010, under Personality Development Tips

Every man who wants to develop his personality also wants to become popular. Man’s life is a burden without popularity. If we leave aside certain action, there is not much difference between a man and an animal. Everybody can be popular if he/you takes care of these few things enlisted personality development tips-

1. If you want to progress in life than honestly analyze the traits of your character.

2. Do not laugh at people when they are in difficulty or trouble other wise you will loose your personality in a moment.

3. This is a great way to develop your personality by listening everyone politely, even if their ideas are baseless or not of your interest.

4. During conversation do not keep talking yourself too much.

5. When ever somebody brings any gift for you, don’t forget to praise it. It does not matter even if you were expecting something else.

6. Make other feel that you love them.

7. Keep your moral high in case of defeat and be more polite on being victorious.

8. Solve your problems in a creative way. Try your best not to let these spoil your relations with your friends.

9. Enlist your bad habits and try to get rid of them.

10. We should not uplift our standard of living but also help others to do so. Try to remove the feeling of inferiority in others by loving them and by keeping good behavior towards them.

11. Be careful of what your say about others because others will say the same thing about us at different times and at different places and in this way form a public opinion about us.

12. Some people often have a favorite sentence which they repeat frequently. We should try and get rid and get rid of such a habit.

13. Independence increases our good qualities and slavery bad qualities.

14. Independent thinking and freedom to work is the only source of progress and welfare.

15. Love is the greatest magic in this world.

16. Positive attitude is of great importance in our personality. No body like people who have narrowed out look. In life only that person is considered well behaved who has positive and healthy bend of mind.

17. The real beauty of man lies not in his physical appearance but in his work and good qualities. That is why it is important that we improve mental outlook to develop our personality.

18. Every individual should develop the ability to adjust with others, because basically man is a social animal, so one can not survive by living alone.

19. Some people keep repeating a particular statement and it becomes a part of their nature. At the most you may repeat a statement twice but it you do it more than that it leaves a bad impact.

Ask some Questions from yourself:

1. Do you behave with your family members in the same manner as you behave with your master or your boss?

2. Would you like to joke even in such a situation when you that it would hurt the sentiments of other.

3. Do you take care of this that no one is hurt by you?

4. Do you take care of the feelings of those who are younger than you?

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Personality Development – 3 Tips To Master Your Personality

by on Oct.17, 2010, under Personality Development Tips

To enhance one’s personality, you will need to exert a lot of effort so that this will be achieved successfully. Take note that this is not a one-time endeavor; it is something that you will need to work on for a period of time.

Among the initial steps to take in order to build a good personality is to identify which areas need to be developed. To do so, you can carefully observe yourself and discover your own flaws, or you can also solicit feedback from people who care about you. Once you have figured it out and accepted it, you are on your way to becoming a better person.

This article aims to help you in your quest to develop a good personality by providing you with tips that you will find very useful. If you want to enhance your personality, you need to live by three basic, yet very important tips. These are: belief in the self, consistency, and practice.

Believe in Yourself

Have you ever told yourself that you cannot do it? When your superiors handed you a very difficult project in school or in the office, did you tell yourself that you are not capable of working on it? If you did, then most probably, you were not very successful with the project.

The first thing you should remember is that if you want to achieve a goal, you need to believe that you can actually make it happen. Nothing limits a man more than his own self. Once you develop a can-do attitude, everything else will follow.

Consistency is Key

As with most things, you need to be consistent if you want to see change or improvement. Again, you cannot make this happen overnight, it has to be a continuous effort on your part. Let us cite moodiness as an example. If you want to get rid of your moodiness, you cannot just say you will focus on it today and then forget about it tomorrow. You have to be consistent. You might say that it is quite impossible to always keep an eye on your moodiness, this is true. You cannot always control it. However, this is not what we mean by consistency.

Of course, you will tend to deviate from your goal every now and then, and this is normal and acceptable. What is required is that you make a conscious effort to try every day, little by little, to keep your moods in check. If you can do this for several weeks in a row, it will slowly become embedded in your mind until such time when it will just be a natural thing for you to do.

Consistency would also mean that when you try to develop a better personality, it should not be dependent on the situation or the occasion only. Regardless of the factors involved such as your current condition, the environment you are in, or the people you are with, you need to stick to what it is you are working on. If you are working on improving the way you dress, you should do so unconditionally.

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice is very important if you want to develop a better personality. Although it may not bring about a “perfect” personality because in reality there is no such thing, it will help to improve the one you already have. Just as athletes need to practice real hard everyday to progress in their craft, we too must not forget to keep working on our “improvement” on a regular basis.

As mentioned, personality development is not an easy feat. Along the way you will encounter a lot of hindrances and difficulties, which may, to some point, tempt you to quit and go back to your old self. You should not allow for this to happen, because if you do, all your efforts will only be in vain and you will not become the person that you have always wanted to be, in terms of personality.

If you keep these tips to heart, you will surely see a difference in yourself in just a matter of time. In the end, you will be thankful that you made a bold step towards self improvement.

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Personality Development Tips – 9 Tips To A Better Personality

by on Oct.16, 2010, under Personality Development Tips

Personality Development quintessentially means enhancing and grooming one’s outer and inner self to bring about a positive change to your life. Each individual has a distinct persona that can be developed, polished and refined. This process includes boosting one’s confidence, improving communication and language speaking abilities, widening ones scope of knowledge, developing certain hobbies or skills, learning fine etiquettes and manners, adding style and grace to the way one looks, talks and walks and overall imbibing oneself with positivity, liveliness and peace.

The whole process of this development takes place over a period of time. Even though there are many crash courses in personality development that are made available to people of all age groups, implementing this to your routine and bringing about a positive change in oneself takes a considerable amount of time. It is not necessary to join a personality development course; one can take a few tips and develop his or her own aura or charm.

  • You may have heard this a million times “Think Positive”. It works.
  • Smile. And smile some more. It adds to your face value and to your personality as well.
  • Read a few articles in the newspaper loudly. This will help in communicating fluently.
  • Follow table manners and dining etiquettes
  • Take good care of your health, dress well, be neat and organized
  • Prepare a chart that mentions your strengths and weaknesses. Now concentrate on the latter and find ways to improve upon the same. Do not forget to strengthen your strengths.
  • Spend some time alone concentrating on you and yourself alone.
  • Practice meditation and yoga. It will help you develop inner peace and harmony that will reflect outside.
  • Do not live a monotonous life. Be creative and do something new all the time. Nothing bigger than the joy of creative satisfaction.

Personality development is gaining more and more importance because it enables people to create a good impression about themselves on others; it helps them to build and develop relationships, helps in your career growth and also helps to improve your financial needs.

After all, personality development is nothing but a tool that helps you realize your capabilities and your strengths making you a stronger, a happier and a cheerful person.

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Personality & Life Style Improvement Tips

by on Oct.16, 2010, under Personality Development Tips

Here sre some “Popular Sayings” which will very be helpful for everyone in critical situations.

Don’t compare yourself with any one in this world. If you compare, you are insulting yourself.

Life laughs at you when you are unhappy… Life smiles at you when you are happy… Life salutes you when you make others happy…

Every successful person has a painful story. Every painful story has a successful ending. Accept the pain and get ready for success.

Easy is to judge the mistakes of others. Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes. It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to cover the earth with carpet.

No one can go back and change a bad beginning; But anyone can start now and create a successful ending.

If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If a problem cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

If you miss an opportunity don’t fill the eyes with tears. It will hide another better opportunity in front of you.

“Changing the Face” can change nothing. But “Facing the Change” can change everything. Don’t complain about others; Change yourself if you want peace.

Mistakes are painful when they happen. But year’s later collection of mistakes is called experience, which leads to success.

Be bold when you loose and be calm when you win.

Heated gold becomes ornament. Beaten copper becomes wires. Depleted stone becomes statue. So the more pain you get in life you become more valuable.

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Certain Factors About Personality Development

by on Oct.16, 2010, under Personality Development Tips

There are various factors you will need to consider for personality development so that it has a positive effect on your life. Personality development is all about your individualism and how you control your emotions to act in a way that is most beneficial for you. When we think and analyze how people around us have behaved or reacted, we are in a way trying to assess how their personalities are, without really knowing what we are doing. A personality is built up by the kinds of thoughts and feelings we have within us that can result in a particular behavior.

  • Have a positive attitude
  • Motivate Yourself
  • Believe in your strong points
  • Effective Body Language
  • Handle people the right way

Focusing on personality development can help overcome many hurdles in your life. Problems that may seem to loom large otherwise can suddenly seem to be really miniscule for you. Always fill your mind with positive and fresh thoughts. Remember, how you present yourself has a lot to do with the way things can turn out for you. So, turn things in your favor with successful ways of personality development.

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Some Tips for Personality Development

by on Oct.16, 2010, under Personality Development Tips

Personality is the collection of characteristic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are associated with a person. Personality Development is an improvement in all spheres of an individual’s life, be it with friends, in the office or in any other environment. The progress in and insistence on quality of education coupled with rapid strides in spread of knowledge calls for equally developed and able recipients. Thus, a definite need is felt for well-developed personality and character in our life. The semantic concept of personality development is based on the concept of perfection of each soul and self-confidence for realization and manifestation of this inner knowledge. Five dimensions are involved in forming the human personality. These are:

* Physical self
* Energy self
* Intellectual self
* Mental self
* Blissful self

Well-integrated personality is the sum total of harmonious expression of these five dimensions.

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Personality Development Presentation

by on Oct.15, 2010, under Personality Development Tips

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